Puppet Watch Online
Premiere : February 27, 1980Classification : , coming-of-age, hotshots, lawyers
Performance : 8.7/10 (25271 votes)
Translation : EN, DE, FR, HU, HX, FF, JZ, FJ, YL, XO, EV, BN, KB
Actress : Shontay Breonna as Sincoln, Stuart Dharesh as Mattea, Davina Rahmah as Ayesha, Doilain Allyiah as Delaney, Memphis Annissa as Zhixuan, Imogen Lautaro as Ksenija, Aiodhan Ashlene as Rosheen, Airidas Alhakam as Shroina, Darian Jarlath as Kassidi, Delenne Sarvnaz as Jermain
Puppet 1999 Free Download
-Puppetmaster (Video 1989) - IMDb.Plot summaries, cast list, trivia, movie mistakes, quotes, user reviews, and a message board.--The Puppet Masters (1994) - IMDb.Directed by Stuart Orme. With Donald Sutherland, Eric Thal, Julie Warner, Keith David. The Earth is invaded by stingray-shaped alien "slugs" that ride on people's ...--The Howdy Doody Show (TV Series 1947–1960) - IMDb.Created by E. Roger Muir. With Bob Smith, Bill LeCornec, Lew Anderson, Nick Nicholson. A variety show hosted by the famous puppet Howdy Doody and his ventriloquist.--Atomic Puppet (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb.With Eric Bauza, Peter Oldring, Lisa Norton, Carlos Diaz. This wacky comedy follows a high school student who discovered a former superhero turned puppet and their ...--Guy Rolfe - IMDb.Guy Rolfe, Actor: Dolls. Gaunt and saturnine British character actor of stage, screen and television, Guy Rolfe first made his stage debut in 1936, the same year he ...-
Puppet Trailer English
-Puppet - Wikipedia.A puppet is an object, often resembling a human, animal or mythical figure, that is animated or manipulated by a person called a puppeteer. The puppeteer uses ...--Puppet state - Wikipedia.A puppet state is a metaphor of a state that is supposedly independent but is in fact dependent upon an outside power. It is nominally sovereign but effectively ...--Marionette - Wikipedia.A marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette's puppeteer is called a marionettist. Marionettes ...--Puppetry - Wikipedia.Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets—inanimate objects, often resembling some type of human or animal figure, that ...--Sockpuppet (Internet) - Wikipedia.A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally ...-